Berufsförderungswerk (BFW) Würzburg

Booth: L1.03/L1.04
Logo BFW Würzburg

Information about the company

The Berufsförderungswerk Würzburg ist a nationwide training centre for adult blind und visually impaired persons. The aim is reintegration into work. Consultations, trainings and services in the field of accessibility are also offered.

Contact us

Berufsförderungswerk Würzburg,
Helen-Keller-Str. 5
97209 Veitshöchheim

Phone: +49 931 9001-0
Fax: +49 931 9001-105

Trainer with a visually impaired participant at the PC

Accessible AdA-Certificate

The training of trainers (AdA) is a further training course that is carried out according to the same standards throughout Germany.
In cooperation with the Würzburg-Schweinfurt Chamber of Industry and Commerce, BFW Würzburg is now offering the training course barrier-free for the first time.

Two young participants learning online on a terrace

Accessible eLearning

BFW online is an accessible learning management system, provided by BFW Würzburg. The offered contents are perfectly fitting für blind an visually impaired persons and various ways of communication allow interactive online learning.

Blind and visually impaired participants on the BFW premises

Competence Centre for Accessibility

Digitization brought numerous barriers for blind and visually impaired people. As a certified competence center for accessible IT, we offer trainings and services that help to improve accessibility of documents and websites.

Participants and mobility trainers at an iPhone training course on the BFW premises

Smartphone-Trainings for visually impaired people

Operating a smartphone blindly – that is possible! The smartphone has become an important tool for people with visual impairments. The BFW Würzburg offers tailor-made training courses that familiarize with this helpful tool.

Young migrant woman reading braille

Language Trainings for blind or visually impaired

Visually impaired refugees and migrants can acquire the integration course certificate (A2 – B1) under professional guidance and with optimally adapted aids at the BFW Würzburg and can so overcome the first major hurdle on their way to integration.


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