Deutscher Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband e. V.

Booth: L1.13

Information about the company

The German Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted (DBSV) is the national organisation of visually impaired persons and patients who suffer from a disease leading to sight loss. As self-help organisation, DBSV strives for an inclusive, forward-looking society free of discrimination.

Contact us

Deutscher Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband e.V.,
Rungestrasse 19
10179 Berlin

Phone: +49 30/285 38 70
Fax: +49 30/285 38 7200


Listed in the following product categories

Brochures and information

We publish numerous brochures and leaflets. You will find interesting facts about blindness, visual impairment and eye diseases, including tips on coping with everyday life, information about aids for blind and visually impaired people

RBM Rights of people with disabilities

We are the legal consulting company of the DBSV
We start where your difficulties begin.
From rejection notices and objection proceedings to legal action, we are at your side.

Structure of the DBSV

The DBSV is the association of self-help organizations for the blind and visually impaired in Germany. We bundle and coordinate the nationwide actions and activities of 19 independent regional associations. 36 other specialist organizations and institutions.


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