Program 2021

Quick navigation to the days: Thursday | Friday

Please note that the SightCity Forum will be held exclusively in German.

Thursday, 20.05.2021

12:00-12:30 p.m.
Patient symposium: AMD – current treatment options

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Norbert Schrage, Clinics of the City of Cologne, Merheim Eye Clinic

Occupational participation network – close to the labor market and innovative

Organization of vocational promotion and training centers (BFWs and BBWs)

Organizer: Dr. Inge Jansen, BFW Düren

Seizing opportunities – vocational training centers in times of the pandemic

Dr. Inge Jansen for the Berufsförderungswerke Düren, Halle (Saale), Mainz

13:10 to 13:40
Local and modular services for people with visual impairments

Speaker: Susanne Mendrzyk for the Stuttgart, Soest and Chemnitz vocational training centers

Unfortunately there is no recording of this part of the program.

13:50 to 14:20
Patient symposium: Macular diseases: Diagnostics 4.0

Speaker: Dr. med. Andreas Cordes, Sehwerk Eye Center Bonn

Specific causes, diagnosis and treatment options for sleep disorders in blind and visually impaired people

Speaker: Dipl.-Psych. Werner Cassel, Clinic for Internal Medicine with a focus on Pneumology, Sleep Medicine Center, University Hospital Giessen and Marburg GmbH, Marburg site

Aren’t modern smartphones just far too expensive? What they cost and what they actually do for us.

Speaker: Jürgen Fleger, Apfel-Fleger, computer knowledge for the blind, Marburg

Patient symposium: Glaucoma

Speaker: Dr. med. Daniel Kampik, University Eye Clinic Würzburg

Block on genetic diseases

Moderator: Prof. Dr. med. Hanno J. Bolz, Senckenberg Center for Human Genetics

Including the following thematic units:

Hereditary retinal diseases – examples from the consultation
Speaker: Prof. Dr. med. Sandra Liakopoulos, Eye Clinic, University Hospital Cologne

Human genetic diagnostics and counseling for hereditary retinal diseases
Speaker: Prof. Dr. med. Hanno J. Bolz, Senckenberg Center for Human Genetics, Frankfurt

Therapeutic prospects: the PRO RETINA patient register and more

Speaker: Dr. Sandra Jansen, PRO RETINA Deutschland e. V.

Patient symposium: Limbal stem cell transplantation for corneal blindness

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Norbert Schrage, Clinics of the City of Cologne, Merheim Eye Clinic

Friday, 21.05.2021

10:00-10:30 a.m.
The new openness – accessibility in Windows 10 for blind and visually impaired people

Speaker: Domingos de Oliveira, freelancer, Bonn

10:40-11:10 a.m.
Corona patient symposium

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Norbert Schrage, Clinics of the City of Cologne, Merheim Eye Clinic

11:20-11:50 a.m.
Participation – the role of self-help in times of pandemic

Speaker: Franz Badura, Member of the Board of PRO RETINA Deutschland e. V.

12:00-12:30 p.m.
Live sports reports for the blind and visually impaired during the pandemic

Speaker: Broder-Jürgen Trede, T_OHR Center for Reporting on the Visually Impaired and Blind in Society and Sport, Mainz