LWL-Berufsbildungswerk Soest

Booth: L2.20 - L2.21
Logo LWL Soest

Information about the company

In the field of vocational rehabilitation, we offer a comprehensive portfolio of vocational qualification programs for the primary labor market. This includes, among other things, learning how to use appropriate aids, vocational preparation and dual vocational training.

Contact us

LWL-Berufsbildungswerk Soest
Hattroper Weg 57
59494 Soest

Phone: +49 2921 684-0
Fax: +49 2921 684-109


Listed in the following product categories

Group of blind people with a cane in front of a Braille alphabet hanging on the wall

Basic technical training for the blind (BTG)

Visually impaired and blind people sometimes need special skills in order to cope at work and in everyday life. We support them in learning these skills, actively dealing with their disability and integrating it into their self-image.

Teaching situation for blind people at the PC with teacher

Vocational preparation measures (BvB)

In the BvB, young adults receive support in their vocational orientation and initial career entry. The aim is to achieve training maturity for a full occupation or a theory-reduced occupational profile.

blind woman on the phone at her desk

Dual vocational training

in the vocational fields of business and administration, nutrition and home economics and metal technology. Our multi-professional team provides trainees with optimal support for the successful completion of their vocational training.

Banknote with Braille aid

Practical life skills (LPF)

Mastering practical life skills is an important building block for successful social and professional integration. The aim is to learn the skills needed to cope independently with everyday professional and private life.

Blind apprentice with master craftsman in the workshop

MobiliS Modular – Training support

BBW Soest supports and advises trainees and their training companies in order to break down potential barriers. This is intended to facilitate access to the general labor market and enable inclusive qualification.

Blind man walks along a sidewalk with a mobility trainer

STAR – School meets the world of work

As part of this project, BBW Soest offers blind and visually impaired pupils an initial basis for vocational orientation. Potential is analyzed and individual support needs are identified in four modules.


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