Index Braille

Information about the company
Contact us
Hantverksvagen 20,
Box 155
S-95423 Gammelstad
Phone: +46-920-203084
Fax: +46-920-203085
Listed in the following product categories

Basic-D V5
Basic-D V5, 140 characters per second braille embosser for tractor fed paper. With WiFi, wired network, USB, USB hob and Bluetooth interface. Speech guided user interface labelled in braille and ink. Web interface supporting direct printing Word doc.

BrailleBox V5
BrailleBox is a printer for high volume production. By printing with three heads simultaneously the speed increases three times. 400 pages sheet feeder optimized for A3 paper size.

Everest-D V5
Everest-D V5, 140 characters per second, double-sided braille embosser for cut-sheet paper. It includes a 50 pages sheet feeder. The most flexible braille printer, it supports A4, A3, landscape, portrait, booklet, labels and tactile graphics.

FanFold-D V5
FanFold-D V5 a high-speed production braille embosser for tractor-fed paper. It is excellent for schools, blind organizations and production sites. It print simultaneously with three embossing heads.
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