Landeshilfsmittelzentrum des BSVS e. V.

Information about the company
Contact us
Landeshilfsmittelzentrum des BSVS e. V.,
Louis-Braille-Str. 6
01099 Dresden
Phone: +49 351/8090624
Fax: +49 351/8090627
Listed in the following product categories

Everyday living aids
We offer a wide range of everyday aid products, which support and enable the independence of blind and partially-sighted people. These include liquid level indicator (audible and vibratory), signature guides, sock clips and bump- and touch dots.

We are able to deal with all your questions in English, assist with applications to health insurance organisations and support the set up and handling of daisy players, mobile phones and other technical devices.

Tactile cards
Tactile greeting cards for various occasions, lovingly designed by our own text, graphics and audio-service. Each card contains a tactile picture plus short text. Please ask for individual motives and texts. We also adapt and print Braille documents.

New consultancy services
1. Expert telephone conferences taking place on set dates. All you need to participate is a landline or mobile telephone. 2. Independent information on and free testing of optical and electronical aids, special sun glasses and lighting.

Access to information and staying in touch with others can be a challenge for blind and/or elderly people. But it does not need to be. Here you can find easy to use talking mobile phones, daisy player, radios and braille keyboards.

Safety outdoors
Enjoying the outdoors is best, when you feel safe and well protected. We offer a variety of white canes as well as various items in bright yellow with three black dots, indicating a blindness. Including a base cap, a badge or even a rucksack.
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