Nikolauspflege – Stiftung für blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen

Booth: L1.08
Logo Nikolauspflege

Information about the company

From home-based early intervention to senior citizens, we are one of the leading competence centers for blind, visually impaired and multiply disabled people of all ages in Germany. The goals are school and vocational training as well as social and professional participation.

Contact us

Nikolauspflege - Stiftung für blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen
Geschäftsbereich Berufliche Bildung
Am Kräherwald 271
70193 Stuttgart

Phone: +49 711 6564 195
Fax: 49 711 6564 300


Listed in the following product categories

Man in front of PC

IT specialists for application development

Software development/programming is the focus for IT specialists in application development. An internship, optionally at your place of residence, consolidates what you have learned and provides experience and security for your future career.


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