salus klinik Hürth

Booth: L1.19L
Logo Salus Klinik

Information about the company

The salus klinik Hürth, specialist clinic for psychosomatics, is a modern rehabilitation clinic with 85 treatment places. Your accommodation is in high-quality equipped single rooms with refrigerator, TV, telephone and WLAN.

Contact us

salus kliniken Hürth
Fachklinik für Psychosomatik
Argelès-sur-Mer-Straße 5
50354 Hürth

Phone: +49 22338081823
Fax: +49 2233/8081888


Listed in the following product categories

Tip of a cane on a yellow guiding strip

Rehab “Rundblick”

Rehabilitation “Rundblick” is a 6-week interdisciplinary inpatient rehabilitation program for people of working age with acute or progressive vision loss (visual acuity >0.3).


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