
Booth: L4.20
Logo der Firma Thinkable

Information about the company

Thinkable was founded in 2002 by Jaap Breider. It is specialised in products and services for the visually impaired – especially tactile diagrams. Three of our main products are: TactileView software (for designing tactile images on the computer), TactiPad drawing board and Motorized Drawing Arm.

Contact us

Scheprad 9,
6852 BT Huissen

Phone: +31 26 36 28 711
Fax: –

Perspective on an MDA: A yellow flat surface at the bottom bears a slightly smaller yellow TactiPad. Above both, a black bar is hovering. It emits a drawing onto the TactiPad.

Motorized Drawing Arm (MDA)

The MDA is a computer-driven motorised arm that draws tactile graphics from digital templates on the TactiPad Drawing Board. It combines the accuracy of digital graphics with the versatility of drawing by hand. Digital drawing and tactile perception almost works

Split image. Left: Screenshot of TactileView software with a map of the Netherlands. Right: Produced braille print of that map with a finger exploring it.

TactileView drawing software

The TactileView software by Thinkable creates tactile graphics. Besides the software with easy to use tools, there is an international web catalogue with graphic templates. After designing them on the computer, the images can be printed on a braille embosser or

Bird's eye on a TactiPad. Placed on it: pen on the upper left, ruler diagonally, triangle template on lower left, compasses on lower right and angle/arc template on upper right.

TactiPad drawing board

TactiPad by Thinkable is a drawing board which enables a VIP to make or perceive a tactile drawing. These drawings are made on a plastic foil. By lightly pressing down on the foil while drawing, the lines raise instantly. Ergonomic design and included drawing to


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