Deutsches Zentrum für barrierefreies Lesen

Booth: L1.12
Read word mark dzb

Information about the company

The German Center for Accessible Reading offers accessible literature for blind, visually impaired and reading disabled people for lending and sale. It is a production and service center for inclusive children's books, large print and audio media, Braille, tactile graphics and music scores.

Contact us

Deutsches Zentrum für barrierefreies Lesen
dzb lesen
Gustav-Adolf-Straße 7
04105 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 7113-0
Fax: –

Photo: A girl reads Braille. A boy listens with headphones in the background.

Welcome to the library of the dzb lesen

Blind, visually impaired and reading-impaired book lovers will find a wide range of different literature in our catalogs. Audio and Braille media, large print and sheet music – more than 90,000 titles – are available to users free of charge.

Photo: open book with ring binding and tactile geometric objects.

Tactile children’s books from the dzb lesen

The dzb lesen wants to offer children great reading adventures from the very beginning. Books in Braille, large print or with tactile pictures – all media can be borrowed or purchased free of charge. Simply register at dzb lesen and off you go.

Photo: A woman lying on her back with headphones on her ears, her hands clasped behind her head.

Subscriptions in the dzb lesen

Regular good entertainment and information thanks to specially produced magazines by subscription: serialized novels, dzb lesen periodicals and a telephone service for the radio and TV program. In DAISY format, Braille and digital for download.

The picture shows some of the books lined up in and in front of the reading box. There are books in Braille, in large print and in relief for primary and middle school.

Reading promotion – awakening the joy of reading

Reading broadens the horizon. That is why reading promotion plays an important role for us. The center provides blind, visually impaired and reading-impaired children with accessible media and actively supports schools and parents with offers.

Music scores and music - Team DaCapo

Music scores and music – Team DaCapo

Braille music score, musical works and libretti can be borrowed and purchased. The DaCapo team takes care of the transcription of music scores, related consulting and commissioned services for blind and visually impaired musicans.

Photo: Blind man at the table uses a mobile Braille display. In front of him is also a DAISY player and a mobile phone.

Technical advice – Team LOUIS

LOUIS – short for Leipzig Online Support and Information Service – advises blind, visually impaired and reading-impaired technology users of the dzb lesen. The team imparts knowledge on the handling of technical aids individually and comprehensibly.


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