Program 2024

Quick navigation to the days: Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

Please note that the SightCity Forum will be held exclusively in German.

For legal reasons, the videos only contain the cover sheet with the event information and the audio track.

Wednesday, 15.05.2024

10:00-10:30 a.m.
Opening SightCity and SightCity Forum

Dagmar Krutzki, Sabine Kampmann, Prof. Norbert Schrage, Mayor Dr. Nargess Eskandari-Grünberg

Opening of SightCity and the SightCity Forum

by Dagmar Krutzki, Sabine Kampmann, Prof. Norbert Schrage, Mayor Dr. Nargess Eskandari-Grünberg

10:30-11:00 a.m.
Usabilitypool – Usability checks with blind and visually impaired people

Speaker: Rose Jokic, DBSV, project management for implementation support for digital accessibility

Usabilitypool - Usability checks with blind/visually impaired people

by Rose Jokic

Netzwerk berufliche Teilhabe – labor market-oriented and innovative

Organization of vocational promotion and training centers (BFW and BBW)

Organizer: Jörg Stemmler, BFW Halle; keynote speeches of 20 minutes each with subsequent discussion

Career prospects for blind and visually impaired people in the healthcare sector

Speaker: Wolfgang Oster, Managing Director BFW Mainz

Career prospects for blind and visually impaired people in the healthcare sector

by Wolfgang Oster

11:25-11:45 a.m.
Language courses for blind and visually impaired migrants – from flight to professional participation

Speaker: Thomas Schmitt, Head of Operational Business Areas BFW Würzburg

Management of occupational rehabilitation for systemic diseases and visual impairment

Speaker: Frank Kießling, BFW Halle policy officer

Management of occupational rehabilitation for systemic diseases and visual impairment

by Frank Kiessling

Strongly prepared – stabilizing measures of BFW Düren

Speaker: René Bergs, BFW Düren

Artificial intelligence (AI) in apps – spectre or digital philosopher’s stone? Possibilities and limits using the Apple iPhone as an example

Speaker: Jürgen Fleger, Apple Professional Learning Specialist (APLS), Marburg

Artificial intelligence (AI) in apps - spectre or digital philosopher's stone? Possibilities and limits using the Apple iPhone as an example

by Jürgen Fleger

On new paths – blista establishes the “Hessian Counseling Center for People with Deafblindness & Hearing Impairment”

Speaker: Ute Mölter, blista Marburg

On new paths - blista establishes the "Hessian Counseling Center for People with Deafblindness & Hearing Impairment"

by Ute Mölter

Sichtweisen-online – New website of the DBSV

Speaker: Lisa Mümmler, DBSV; Editor Sichtweisen

Optimal digital – Bringing digitalization to life for one another

Speakers: Dario Madani, Christian Andres, Cornelia Witt-Kilian, PRO RETINA Deutschland e. V.

Optimal digital - Bringing digitalization to life for one another

by Dario Madani, Christian Andres, Cornelia Witt-Kilian

Current developments in reporting for the blind

Speaker: Maxim Brehme, project employee T_OHR Center for Blind Reportage in Society and Sport (a project of AWO Südwest gGmbH) with the kind support of DFL GmbH

Seeing in old age: creating understanding and practicing mindfulness – experiences in the training of nursing home staff in Hesse

Speaker: Bernd Wilhelm, state-certified specialist in rehabilitation for the blind and visually impaired, Deutsche Blindenstudienanstalt e. V. (blista)

Seeing in old age: creating understanding and practicing mindfulness - experiences in the training of nursing home staff in Hesse

by Bernd Wilhelm

When the internal clock gets out of sync: Why so many blind people sleep badly

Speaker: Dipl.-Psych. Werner Cassel, Clinic for Internal Medicine with a focus on Pneumology, Sleep Medicine Center, University Hospital Giessen and Marburg GmbH, Marburg site

When the internal clock is out of sync: Why so many blind people sleep badly

by Dipl.-Psych. Werner Cassel

Tetris and other games on the Braille display

Speaker: Reiner Delgado, DBSV, Social Affairs Officer

MindTags, the innovative tool for information and orientation in every building

Speaker: Stefan Wilke, Managing Director MindTags Group GmbH

MindTags, the innovative tool for information and orientation in every building

by Stefan Wilke

Understanding findings – support for retinal diseases yesterday and tomorrow

Speaker: Dr. Frank Brunsmann, PRO RETINA, online presentation

Understanding findings - support for retinal diseases yesterday and tomorrow

by Dr. Frank Brunsmann

Thursday, 16.05.2024

10:00-10:45 a.m.
Patient symposium: Glaucoma

Speaker: Dr. med. Daniel Kampik, Eye Clinic, University Hospital Würzburg

Patient symposium: Glaucoma

by Dr. med. Daniel Kampik

10:45-11:30 a.m.
Refined perceptual mobility

Speaker: Juan Ruiz, Clicksonar trainer

Block on deafblindness/hearing impairment

including the subject areas

People with deafblindness/hearing impairment in working life – needs and opportunities. Findings from the EMPLOY and Pathways to Employment projects

Speakers: Bastian Hardt and Carolin Gravel, EMPLOY project (University of Cologne)

Paths into the profession

Speakers: Sonja Hafner and Verena Probst, Stiftung Nikolauspflege/ Deutsches Taubblindenwerk gGmbH/ SFZ Förderzentrum gGmbH

People with deafblindness/hearing impairment in working life - needs and opportunities. Findings from the EMPLOY and Pathways to Employment projects

by Bastian Hardt, Carolin Gravel, Sonja Hafner, Verena Probst

Empowerment for deafblind and hearing-impaired people

Speaker: Uwe Zelle, pedagogical employee “handfest” Peer Academy for Deafblind People, German Society for Deafblindness gGmbH


including the subject areas

Reading training for central visual field loss in macular degeneration and after a stroke

Speaker: Prof. Dr. med. Susanne Trauzettel-Klosinski, University Eye Clinic Tübingen

Reading training for central visual field loss in macular degeneration and after a stroke

by Prof. Dr. med. Susanne Trauzettel-Klosinski

Eye movement training to improve spatial orientation in cases of peripheral visual field loss – for retinitis pigmentosa and after a stroke

Speaker: Dr. med. Stephan Küster-Gruber, University Eye Clinic Tübingen

Eye movement training to improve spatial orientation in cases of peripheral visual field loss - for retinitis pigmentosa and after a stroke

by Dr. med. Stephan Küster-Gruber

Psychogenic blindness – a clinical picture that is difficult to grasp

Speaker: Dr. med. Bettina von Livonius, Eye Clinic LMU Munich

Psychogenic blindness - a clinical picture that is difficult to grasp

by Dr. med. Bettina von Livonius

Rehabilitation for sight loss: what are patients’ rights and what is possible?

Speakers: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Norbert Schrage, Kliniken der Stadt Köln, Merheim Eye Clinic; Oliver Kolbe, REGIOMED Reha-Klinik Masserberg

Rehabilitation for sight loss: what are patients' rights and what is possible?

by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Norbert Schrage, Oliver Kolbe

Barriers on the internet: how do I report them, what do I have to do?

Speaker: Alexander Pfingstl, Federal Monitoring Agency for Accessibility of Information Technology (BFIT) Federal Government

Barriers on the Internet: how do I report them, what do I have to do?

by Alexander Pfingstl

Patient symposium: Optical blindness and visual impairment

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Norbert Schrage, Clinics of the City of Cologne, Merheim Eye Clinic

Patient symposium: Optical blindness and visual impairment

by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Norbert Schrage

Friday, 17.05.2024

10:00-11:30 a.m.
Netzwerk berufliche Teilhabe – Arbeitsmarktnah und innovativ (3×25 minutes)

Organization of vocational promotion and training centers (BFW and BBW)

Organizer: Jörg Stemmler, BFW Halle; 30-minute keynote speeches followed by a discussion

10:00-10:30 a.m.
Inclusive participation through leisure time

Speaker: Anne Maria Kupke, Inclusion Coach, Nikolauspflege Stuttgart

1st presentation "Netzwerk berufliche Teilhabe: Inclusive participation through leisure

by Anne Maria Kupke

10:30-11:00 a.m.
Advice/support for people with visual impairments and employer advice on inclusive education

Speaker: Ina Oertel, SFZ BBW Chemnitz gGmbH

2nd presentation "Netzwerk berufliche Teilhabe: Advice/support for people with visual impairments and employer consultations on inclusive education

by Ina Oertel

11:00-11:30 a.m.
Specific offers for young people with visual impairments at the LWL vocational training center in Soest

Speaker: Christof Marquet, LWL Berufsbildungswerk Soest

3rd presentation of the Netzwerk berufliche Teilhabe: Specific offers for young people with visual impairments at the LWL Berufsbildungswerk Soest

by Christof Marquet

Block on genetic diseases

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Hanno J. Bolz, Bioscientia Institute for Medical Diagnostics, Ingelheim


Speaker: Prof. Dr. Hanno J. Bolz, Bioscientia Institute for Medical Diagnostics, Ingelheim

Hereditary retinal diseases in human genetic counseling and diagnostics

by Prof. Dr. Hanno J. Bolz

12:00-12:30 p.m.

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Sandra Liakopoulos, Eye Clinic of the University Hospital Frankfurt


Speaker: Dr. Maximilian Gerhardt, Eye Clinic of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich

Patient symposium: functional blindness and visual impairment

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Norbert Schrage, Clinics of the City of Cologne, Merheim Eye Clinic

Patient symposium: functional blindness and visual impairment

by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Norbert Schrage

Block Telemedicine & Care

including the subject areas

Innovation & telemedicine in ophthalmologic care – What is already feasible today!

Speaker: Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Thomas Ach, Senior Consultant and Deputy Clinic Director, Eye Clinic, University Hospital Bonn

When research arrives in practice: a telemedical ophthalmological care model for the standard care of senior citizens in care facilities

Speaker: Dr. Claus Gruber, founder of Mirantus Health GmbH, Berlin

Report from a care facility manager

Speaker: Stefan Arz, Bonifatius Seniorendienste GmbH, Weilerswist

Block on ophthalmological telemedical care in care facilities

by Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Thomas Ach, Dr. med. Claus Gruber, Stefan Arz