Babbage // ACCES4U

Booth: L4.32
Babbage and Access4U logo

Information about the company

Babbage is a Dutch company that adapts professional environments for people that are visualy and motor impaired people. Babbage uses many solutions of: ACCESS4U. ACCESS4U is the international company that has developed many technical solutions for visualy impaired people.

Contact us

Bovendonk 27
4707 ZH Roosendaal

Phone: +31165536156
Fax: –

Babbage and Access4U logo

Babbage // ACCESS4U business consultancy

Our company has a broad experience with application of impairment software in big cooperate businesses. Cloud solutions and high security demands. We can make use of this experience to help with market development in your country.

Speech to Keyboard picture

Speech to keyboard

With this device spoken text can be converted to the PC. Works with all devices with a USB keyboard input regardless of which operating system is used.

Ultimate Screen Access Product Logo

Ultimate Screen Access (USA)

Ultimate Screen Access offers similar functionality compared to existing screen reading software with magnification capabilities. The performance, load on the computer and the response speed are many times greater than those of comparable software.

Logo of Unicorn dynamic virtual channel software

UNICORN Dynamic Virtual Channel

The UnicornDVC Plugin library is used for communication by your client software (e.g. Remote Desktop, VMware Horizon or Citrix Receiver). This toolkit is used by many large corperate companies to combine screenreaders with cloud solutions.


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