Berufsförderungswerk Düren gGmbH

Booth: L1.03/L1.04
Logo BFW Düren

Information about the company

The main task of the BFW is the vocational training of people who are not longer able to continue in their profession because of their visual impairment.

Contact us

Berufsförderungswerk Düren gGmbH, Center for Vocational Training of Blind and Visually Impaired People, Karl-Arnold-Straße 132 - 134 52349 Düren Germany

Phone: +49 2421-59 81 00 Fax: +49 2421-59 81 90info@bfw-dueren.de

Presentation of an optical consultation. The orthoptist is on the right of the picture and is holding edge filter glasses and a sample text in front of the participant on the left.

Advice and assessment

– Individual rehabilitation advice
– Clarification of professional suitability
– Advice on and testing of aids

The photo shows a participant (left) and the rehabilitation instructor (right) during mobility training on the grounds of BFW Düren

Special aids

– Socio-educational support
– Training in orientation and mobility
– Practical life skills
– Psychological service
– Ophthalmologic examination

View into the classroom, 2 participants are sitting at the computer workstation, the trainer is sitting behind them with a document in her hand.

Education and voctional training

– Preparatory courses
– Training and qualification in various certified professions
– Further training

The photo shows 2 women in counseling

Integration and aftercare

– Integration measure for visually impaired people – Adaptation measure – Job placement assistance – Loan of aids – Job coaching “Sight” – Specialist vision integration service – Follow-up support


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