Braillo, Zychem, American Thermoform

Booth: L2.26
Logo Braillo

Information about the company

Braillo is the industry leader in production braille embossers used globally. Zychem manufactures products which make production of on-demand tactile graphics. American Thermoform is a world-wide leader in the production and distribution of products and supplies for the blind and visually impaired.

Contact us

Wessels Veg 100
N-7502 Stjørdal

Phone: +47 74840440
Fax: +47 74840441


Listed in the following product categories

Logo american thermoform

American Thermoform Corporation

– the source for high quality braille paper, braille labeling, Thermform Machines and more, and the parent company of Braillo Norway and Zychem Limited.

Device view Braillo 300

Braillo 300 S2

– the most affordable, reliable and highest quality production braille embosser on the market.

Device view Braillo 600

Braillo 600 S2

– the world’s fastest desktop production braille embosser with the ability to scale.

Device view Braillo 600R2

Braillo 600 SR2

– the ideal braille embosser for high speed braille production using paper rolls.

Device view Braillo sw2

Braillo 650 SW2

– the perfect production braille embosser for semi-automated braille book and magazine creation.

Device view Zychem Swell forming machine

Zychem Swell Form Machine & Swell Touch Paper

– the preferred solution to create stunning tactile graphics instantly, known for being the highest quality solution at the industry’s best prices.


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