Draeger Lienert GmbH & Co KG

Booth: L4.32
Logo Draeger Lienert

Information about the company

The company has developed about 15 of its own products, the DL® products. They serve to open up new fields of activity and to maintain existing jobs. DL® is independent of manufacturers and additionally sells standard components.

Contact us

Draeger Lienert GmbH & Co KG ,
Stadtwaldstr. 65
35037 Marburg

Phone: +49 6421952400
Fax: +49 6421/165556



With DL ETB, we provide an inclusive work environment for telephone workstations that significantly lowers the hurdle for hiring blind people. Blindness-related speed disadvantages are compensated by an ergonomically highly optimized user interface.

DL - Exchange icon

DL Exchange Calendar

Dl® Exchange Calendar is a module designed to simplify, make accessible
and accelerate the management of appointments based on the popular application
MS Outlook in connection with MS Exchange.

DL contact manager icon

DL contact manager

DL Contact Manager automatically establishes meaningful relationships between your data. This allows you to quickly get answers to questions that would require you to wade through various programs and lists.

Icon logo of the software

DL Law

DL Law downloads laws from the Internet, splits them into proper logical units and imports them automatically into askSam files.


DL Verein

An inclusive system for club and association administration
DL Verein is the world’s first inclusive software system for blind people, for sighted people, and for people with motor and other disabilities that organizes data and workflows for this application area.



DL Verein is the world’s first inclusive software system for blind people, for sighted people, and for people with motor and other disabilities that organizes data and workflows for this application area.


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