Harpo Ltd
Booth: L4.29

Information about the company
Harpo’s mission is to create solutions for people with vision and communication impairments so that they could interact with the world, to realise their ambitions and to help make the world see them for the talented people they are. Our products have been delivered to all corners of the world.
Contact us
Harpo Sp. z o. o.,
ul. 27 Grudnia 7
61-737 Poznan
Phone: +48 61 8531425
Fax: +48 61 8531419
Listed in the following product categories

Mountbatten Brailler Tutor
– the leading complete Braille learning center for children and their teachers!

Tactile Image Maker PIAF
– produces high-quality tactile graphics with heat-sensitive swell paper. It is ideal for blind and visually impaired people. Piaf’s controlled heat source causes black details to swell on the swell paper.
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