Blickpunkt Auge – Rat und Hilfe bei Sehverlust – Ein Angebot des DBSV

Booth: L1.13
Logo Blickpunkt Auge

Information about the company

Blickpunkt Auge - Rat und Hilfe bei Sehverlust is the quality-assured advice service offered by the German Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (DBSV) and its regional organizations for people with vision problems and their relatives.

Contact us

Rungestrasse 19
10179 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 – 28 53 87 183


Listed in the following product categories


Consulting topics

Information and advice on topics such as:
– Dealing with the disease
– Coping with everyday life
– Visual aids and other aids
– Legal and financial aspects
– Education and professional participation
– Culture and leisure
– Further self-help offers

Two women in front of the van with the Blickpunkt Auge logo

Our consultants

The core of the nationwide service is quality-assured advice.
Our advisors
– know what life with vision problems is like
– Are mostly affected themselves
– are certified
– regularly undergo further training

Cover of the brochure "When the eyes get weaker" with a close-up of an eye

Further information

Further offers
– Brochures and other publications
– Information events
– Exchange among peers
– Orientation and referral to specialists (“pilot function”)


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